I always loved sitting on Daddy's lap... he'd rock me back and forth and even bounce me up and down a little. That made me laugh and giggle. I told Daddy I wanted to wear a bra like all the big girls wear on the Victoria's Secret commercials and Daddy told me that if I wanted to wear a big girl bra, I would have to start doing big girl things. I started to blush when I would feel something hard poking me from down there. There I was, sitting in his lap in my white sundress covered with little embroidered cherries, little ruffled cotton panties, and tiny white socks to match. Daddy began running his hands up my slender little legs giving me goosebumps... I was nervous but it felt good. All tingley! It made me giggle more and more... Then Daddy started massaging my shoulders and down to my little budding breasts. My baby girl nippples were SOOO sensitive. Once his hands brushed over them, I could feel my cotton panties begin to dampen. *more blushing* Ohhhhh, Daddy... are you sure we should be doing this?"
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